We Will Write Free Business Plans for Impact Entrepreneurship

Since the beginning of 2016, we at BrainHive support projects that have a social, environmental or research / innovation impact with free business planning. We want to help impact founders get funding for their business because human progress shouldn’t by impeded by ­­business know-how and the hurdle of time to take care of the creation of a business plan. For this reason, we create the business plan for free for these groups of founders.businessplanberatung-businessplanberater-kostenloser-businessplan-brainhive-1


Free Business Plan Creation: What Projects Are Eligible?

All natural and legal persons, associations and initiatives can participate. Especially welcome are projects that are funded by donations or have no income at all, but are geared to directly help people and the environment. At BrainHive, we defined for ourselves three areas of priority: Human (social), environmental (ecologic sustainability) and research (innovation). An idea is selected by us every month and a free business plan is created. For example, here are some projects listed.

  • Establishment of a language school for disadvantaged population groups, currently about refugees
  • Bike workshop, again for refugees
  • Financing of a project to improve water quality in a third world country
  • Research project on e-mobility
  • Saving a lake in Central America from dying
  • Distribution of Offgrid solar power modules in Africa


How do I Apply for a Free Business Plan?

Unfortunately we do not have the resources to write countless business plans for free. Therefore, there is a small selection process, which individuals, clubs or initiatives muss go through. There is a form that you can fill in at the bottom of this page. From there it is easy! Use the form to give information about the business idea, give reasons why the idea has a special added value and send it back to us. Once a month, our team gets together and selects the best idea from all submissions. The winners of the month will receive a free business plan from us.

The business plan we create for you without cost will have a market value of at least $2,000 US (ENTERPRISE class). In addition, we assist you with start-up problems via Skype coaching and can even help out in field of marketing via our communications agency BrainHive Ethical Marketing!

Summarized again, here is what you must do to have your business plan written for free:

  1. fill out form
  2. submit, send relevant attachments if necessary
  3. cross fingers!
  4. Have an interview with us for final assessment
  5. Sign some papers such as NDA / showcasing permission


Business Plan for Free: According to Which Criteria are the Projects Selected?


A project or business ideas submitted to us for the BrainHive Charity Program must have a clear social, environmental or research/innovation focus. This means that the goal of the business plan is to facilitate an operation that serves a good purpose or creates significant value for society. The following criteria must be met so that we can take over the preparation of the business plan for free:


Sustainability & Added Value

The project will have a positive impact on a local or global level by promoting and / or building sustainable structures that create clear added value for people, the environment or research.

Innovative & Needs-Based

The project should be innovative or, at least in its planned form, have an innovative benefit for the region in which it should be implemented, that is: there should be a true need for the innovation!

Realizable and Realistic

The resources available (for example, staff, infrastructure, finances) must be in a realistic relationship with the target state to be reached.


The idea should not be subject to individual profit motives as its primary interest, that is, there should be no or only limited private financial added value that is not reinvested directly into the project on a larger scale.


When submitting your idea, please note that projects that meet the following criteria are preferred:

Scope: The largest possible number of people addressed by the project serves as momentum for further ideas and projects.

Participation: Projects that involve people in planning and implementation.

Fighting causes: The idea is not only concerned with the alleviation of symptoms but is actively working to tackle problems at the root.

Important: Startups with a business idea concerning weapons, border protection / surveillance systems to facilitate public privacy breaching and any and all business ideas with direct or indirect military affiliation cannot be part of this program.


Is Additional Business Planning / Pitching Documentation Included for Free?

In addition to regular business plans that serve as a template for submission to business angels and banks, we also provide support for other business planning documents needed for applications such as grant applications to public institutions or scholarships, and we revise impact founders’ CVs. In most cases, the plans consist of a detailed description of the business idea, a financial part and, if necessary, a pitch deck or pitch video.


Free Business Plans: Are There Really no Strings Attached?

No strings, no tricks, simply a charity offering by BrainHive Consulting to the world of impact entrepreneurship. We create the business plans 100% free of charge. And apart from the permission to advertise our cooperation on the web and in public and also use excerpts of the produced texts (within prudent standards of sensitive data protection), we do not expect anything in return. We hope that we will be able to publish some of the business plans written for free, in anonymous and / or “gutted” version.

Why does BrainHive offer the free creation of business plans? We do not want to draw any direct monetary benefit from impact founders who need their business plans written free of charge. Why? First of all, we believe that ideas that aim to improve the living conditions on our planet should be promoted. We at Brainhive.de have already given shape to many ideas and wrapped them up in a business plan. Many entrepreneurs have been given the opportunity to realize their dreams. We hope that through our charity campaign, beneficial projects that often do not go beyond the idea of an idea will also become reality.

We know that there are many founders in the impact business sphere who would like to make use of their free business plan offer. But in order to not overload our capacities, we have to tie the creation of free business plans to certain conditions of participation. Therefore again: We can accept only one project per month and choose freely from the submissions according to the conditions of participation the project, which we like best. In addition, we are grateful if this page is shared and thus generate not only charity projects but also normal orders.

Business Plan for Free: Conclusion

We look forward to your submissions! Get your 100% free support as an impact founder when creating a business plan for your project by completing and submitting the form below. As soon as we have chosen an idea, we will contact you and, after the briefing, create a completely free, highly professional business plan and financial plan for your project!

What Our Clients Have to Say

BrainHive: Defining Business Planning

Since 2018, BrainHive has been ranking on Google worldwide for many search engine requests concerning business plans.BrainHive reports, resources or releases have already been featured on the following news portals:

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Businessplan Berater- Businessplan Beratung-Mendle-2We would like to write for you. Contact us today. We deliver clean, fast work. You can stop searching: BrainHive is the right partner for you. Competent, affordable and flexible, we are your preferred pick throughout all industries and four continents. You can reach us via phone, mail or our contact form. If you want us to call you back, just give us your number and we will call you as soon as possible.

Joachim Jacob Görbert, Director

Reach us 24/7 via

US & International: +1 (844) 434 96 92

Europe & Germany: +49 (0) 6192-703 41 53

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BrainHive- Professional business plan writing since 2008. Hundreds of business plans successfully written, published in domestic and international media as a distinguished consulting company, a first-class team of experienced consultants. Whether large, small, traditional or innovative projects: We support you competently and friendly in the preparation of business plans of all kinds.


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BrainHive Consulting is a registered vendor with Unidos, the intelligence and resource sourcing hub of the United Nations.

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Here you will find answers for the most common questions concerning our business plan service.

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