Basic Business Plan Template – Model / Event Agency

Model / Event Agency Business Plan


The model agency BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE COMPANY will mediate in SIMPLE BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE REGION as a service provider between models and their customers (photographers, advertising agencies, publishers and fashion designers). The agency will focus on so-called “New Faces”, i.e. models that have not yet appeared in the media and that correspond to a classic ideal of beauty. A special feature will be that some of the models will come from BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE REGION, as the founder has her roots here and is well versed in the local scene.

In addition, the agency will commit to social responsibility and donate X% of the commission received to social institutions. The agency will cooperate with a larger, mother agency, which will hand over part of the commission (XX%) and in return, build on their know-how and their contacts.

The fashion industry is booming and advertising investment is growing steadily. Therefore, fashion designers around the world are always looking for fresh faces with that certain something. BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE COMPANY will meet this demand and specialize in special beauties. In the beginning, the agency will focus on business partners from  BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE REGION.

The success of casting shows such as “XXXX” is also a testament to the popularity of the industry for young people’s beauty and fashion. The model agency BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE COMPANY wants to offer these young people a springboard into the world of top models and thereby secure long-term income through commissions.

As a special public relations tool, there will also be various media and cultural projects, such as a BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE REGION Fashion Week and a beauty pageant in the football environment.

The foundation site BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE LOCATION with its excellent location in the heart of BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE REGION has an ideal location for the project. The founder, BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE FOUNDER, already has experience in the industry and has both a background in business administration and in cultural management. She also has other benefits from her Brazilian roots and her contacts in SIMPLE BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE REGION, which will help her to make her business a success.



The spectrum of SIMPLE BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE COMPANY is to be composed of different services, which are bundled under the umbrella of the modeling agency. The agency itself will look for new models while maintaining contact with the media and fashion industry clients to mediate between the two. The first most important target group, to which the achievements are directed, are the models. Once the agency has found interesting faces, it will be easy to find business customers who will book the models. Both factors are dependent on this. The more successful models, the more customers, the more publicity for the agency. Therefore, it is all the more important that the services are attractive, especially for the models, but also for the business customers.

In the following, the most important services are to be listed on the one hand for the models, on the other hand for the customers from the industry.

Service For Models

This performance adds up to various issues such as scheduling, test shootings, contract and price negotiations with customers and public relations. Since these are inexperienced models, it is important that they are well represented by the modeling agency. Above all, the negotiation of pay and conditions are areas where experience is needed. The creation of meaningful photos should also be monitored by the agency. This ensures that the models are both multifaceted and professionally presented. Here will be a complete package for the models, which includes all the above points. In the following, the individual services are explained in more detail.



  1. X) Employment Contract

There will be legally secured contracts for the models with BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE COMPANY, in which the occupational safety, insurance, remuneration arrangements, and the existing obligations to the agency are included.

  1. X) Shooting Contracts

Contracts with customers are also negotiated and concluded under the close supervision of BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE COMPANY.



The Sedcard, the business card of a model, is designed by BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE COMPANY and constantly updated to quickly respond to the latest trends.


Test shootings:

XXXX Model will provide the models with a first class service, so that they have excellent photo material for the sedcard and the presentation to the customers. There will be a collaboration with outstanding stylists and photographers who will take care of this important task.


Coordination of appointments, Contracts, Revenues:

BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE COMPANY will provide the models with a comprehensive service regarding the coordination of auditions and contracts.


Services for customers in the fashion and media industries



Each model receives own booklet / portfolio for presentation to customers. The booklet is designed exclusively by BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE COMPANY. Here are the most important publications, so that the customer can get a comprehensive overview of the facets of the model.


A comprehensive online index, with a user-friendly interface and selection criteria for hair color and size, for example, will allow customers to get an initial overview of the models and to make a selection in advance.

Catwalk tape

In addition to the photos, there will be professional catwalk tapes that allow the customer to see the models on the catwalk.

Pre-selection of the models

At the request of the customer, depending on the requirements, BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE COMPANY will make a pre-selection among the models, and either send them personally to the customer, or send them the sedcard (direct booking).

Exclusive Contract

For large campaigns, it will be possible for customers to sign an exclusive contract with a specific model. This model will not work for other clients for a certain period of time.

Running show choreography

At the request of the customer, BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE COMPANY can also create running show choreography. Here, the models are trained to perform a choreography desired by the customer, to run and to rehearse certain movements. These choreographies will be especially important for fashion shows.

All-inclusive packages

The model agency will offer customers complete packages, which include the pre-selection, running choreography and organizational tasks (scheduling, room search, stylists, etc.).


Unique Selling Propositions

BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE COMPANY will set itself apart from the competition, above all through the social responsibility factor and through the implementation of cultural and media projects. X% of the net profit will go to organizations that commit to social development cooperation.

BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE COMPANY will set a very special mark with public relations projects that have a media and cultural relevance. With a BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE REGION Fashion Week, and a multimedia beauty contest in which models act as beauty representatives for football clubs in the BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE REGION.

In addition, BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE COMPANY offers a unique all-round service for both the models and the customers. This will clearly distinguish BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE COMPANY from its competitors. Also the running choreography is a special service that other providers do not have in their repertoire.

In addition, the founder will definitely be looking for the exclusivity of her models and thus provide the agency with good references right from the beginning, which will have a positive effect on the company’s profile and growth.

Business Goals

The aim of the company will be to make itself known through the selection of exceptional models. In order to increase its visibility and attract interest from potential partners, the agency will be present at public relations events such as networking events and fashion shows. The development of professional marketing and target group work, in print and electronic media, is also a necessary task within the business model.

The aim of the company statement is also that BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE FOUNDER can fully develop her talent and grow as the head of the modeling agency. Well-organized public relations work aims to create an image that stands for the agency’s exclusivity and reliability at the same time. Making new contacts will play an extremely important role in the early days of the company. The particularly careful selection of events will help to quickly promote the company in SIMPLE BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE REGION .

With strong performance, the modeling agency will be able to get good orders and record solid sales, which will enable the company to quickly capitalize on development and expansion.



The market situation in which BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE COMPANY must prevail is difficult to quantify. For example. the monetary market volume / growth for modeling agencies cannot be determined, official figures are hardly available. Nevertheless, by considering various trends and developments, conclusions can be drawn regarding the company’s chances of success.

The demand for models depends above all on developments in the media and fashion industry. BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE REGION textile and clothing industry is, according to XXXX, the second largest consumer goods industry in SIMPLE BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE REGION  and generates an annual turnover of about XX billion dollars. The textile industry increased its sales by + X, X% compared to XXXX, exceeding the forecast from the previous year by X, X%.


Source: Industry Association Textile + Fashion

Advertising industry is a branch in which models are in demand. In addition, the largest margins can be booked here, as advertising has the most demand. According to the Central Association of the BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE REGION advertising industry XXXX, with XX, X billion Dollars, amounted to X, XX% of the gross domestic product. Especially in the media sector and in advertising, models are indispensable and a high demand for them is guaranteed.



Source: ZAW

Apart from these general trends, there are some segments that are crucial to the demand for models.  For example, women’s magazines have been attracting a growing number of readers for years. XXXX reached XXXX million readers a month, XXXX reached XX million, and XXXX reached million. The picture show that the monthly number of readers of these magazines and magazines has increased steadily in the last XX years is.


Source: XXXX Institute

For these magazines more and more models and faces are needed. If you also look at the sales of large brands in the cosmetics industry, it can also be read here that the demand for models will remain constant.

For example, the world’s leading cosmetics and skin care group, XXXX, has a long-term growth curve. Between XXXX and XXXX the turnover of the group increased from XX, X billion to XX, X billion.

Group sales XXXX


Source: Invest Research

Even large corporations such as XXXX, and XXXX among others,  are increasing on beauty products and fashion. Until XXXX, a local manager,    XXXX, announced an expansion and concentration of the business to XX% for luxury items and XX% for items from Sport & Lifestyle. With this concentration, the turnover of the company should rise to XX billion dollars.

But not only in the turnover of companies, an uninterrupted interest in the beauty business can be seen. Casting shows like XXXX are also booming. The ratings are between X.X and X million (per broadcast date) viewers for the season running this year.


Source: Statista

Overall, the market view from different perspectives gives a positive image for the business entry of BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE COMPANY. Both the fashion industry and the advertising industry show good conditions for this start-up company.


BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE COMPANY, located in the heart of  BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE REGION, has been attracting outstanding companies from all over the world for many years. A very good infrastructure thanks to the airport and modern public transport networks promotes the local economy. Many events, stage events, fairs and exhibitions, as well as an overall multicultural climate of life, led to the fact that many cultural institutions have settled there, and a high interest in cultural offers has formed in the population.

The availability of young, skilled and highly motivated workers, and well-equipped office space, as well as the good work of local institutions, are also location factors that have contributed to the ruling of the CEO’s decision to head office.

At the beginning, the premises of XXXX will serve as the company’s headquarters. Right in the neighborhood, there is a studio that can be rented for recordings and castings.


Competitive Examination

In the business environment of BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE COMPANY, there are active companies which have a similar business focus. BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE LOCATION currently has X competitors. These are:


Since all these agencies have been established in the market for a long time, it is important to consider them in order to distinguish BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE COMPANY from them, and thus be able to survive in the market.

This analysis has been done in advance and has led BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE COMPANY to focus on “New Faces” and classic beauty ideals. This is partly because it has been determined that all agencies, with the exception of XXXX Models, focus on another market segment, the “People Models”. This means that the models traded there do not meet the requirements of fashion designers and top photographers. In terms of appearance, people models are more in line with the normal ideal of beauty and are not used in fashion shows for top brands. Due to their broad positioning, these agencies will not have the exclusivity factor of BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE COMPANY for a long time.

From the modeling agency XXXX Models, the start-up company will differ  because it does not have the social factor. In addition, BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE COMPANY will build a more engaging website that will be more inviting to both the customer and interested models than XXXX Models.

Overall, it is important to constantly rebalance the market and see what competitors are available.

Since orders are mostly placed by personal contacts, BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE COMPANY will take care of the rapid development of a corresponding network and promising contacts. The open Brazilian style of the founder, BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE FOUNDER, will certainly come into its own and support this project.

With each successful order, it will be easier for the company to acquire additional customers. Since numerous projects can only be realized in cooperation with other agencies, it is important to work together only with the most competent and experienced companies, because each link in the production chain of a successful shoot contributes its elemental part to the success of the project.

Well-placed marketing, supported by partners and sponsors, is also essential for the agency’s full coverage and will provide a differentiation from other market participants.

In conclusion, the competitive situation of BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE COMPANY can be considered positive due to the special offer and the well thought-out marketing strategy with a focus on exclusivity and reliability. While the company will have to come to terms with existing and eventually emerging competitors, excellent cooperation with partners and customers will enable market penetration to be satisfactorily achieved.

Risk Analysis

The main risk of market entry will be the non-acceptance of the agency in the industry. This can happen on the one hand by poorly executed first orders; on the other hand by bad word-of-mouth propaganda, which is fueled above all by competitors. Above all, the cooperation with a mother agency offers the necessary protection. In addition, absolute professionalism and reliability are essential in all business and personal contacts.

Expensive marketing investments must also lead to more sales and prices and services must therefore be properly matched. Sickness, accident and accident insurance are recommended to be legally secured. Insurance will also be used for damage and theft. Because of the nature of the business, it is extremely important not to compromise on performance and to focus on quality and reliability. Only in this way can customers be tied up in the long term.

Since a well-designed website and local search engine optimization should be operated, benevolent customer opinions are extremely important, provided that they are communicated on the rating portals (for example, XXXX, XXXX, etc.).

Due to the experience and qualifications of the founder, the numerous challenges of the business model are very likely to be handled well.


SWOT- Analysis

The following SWOT-table shows the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in a clear format.

  • Managing director is well-educated, outgoing and linguistically competent.
  • Unique concept with social responsibility.
  • There are contacts between XXXX and BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE REGION.
  • Full-service model agency
  • Complex, multi-layered business model requires a high level of organizational effort.
  • New on the market, agency must first assert itself.
  • Fierce competition.
  • Good marketing opportunities due to high interest in SIMPLE BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE REGION
  • Through contacts, especially on BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE REGION, exciting exotic models can be acquired, resulting in high customer satisfaction.
  • Dissatisfied word of mouth.
  • No claims in the market.
  • Problems with bureaucracy (work permits, etc.).




The main partner of BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE COMPANY will be New York-based sister of the founder, XXXX, BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE BRAND. She has been living in New York for nine years and will make contacts with the fashion industry at the same time. Thus, even at the beginning, a small international clientele can be set up, which extends from  BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE REGION to New York.

Another important partner is the cooperation with the mother agency. But also photographers and stylists become important partners of the company. By working together with them, it is only possible to do a really convincing job.

Marketing plan

Effective marketing is one of the main pillars of agency models. In addition to an attractive website, the above-mentioned cultural and media projects, social media channels, and the development of personal contacts, are to be used. The marketing instruments are based on the previously defined target groups. The pricing policy is also a marketing tool, insofar as it can highlight the exclusivity of the models.

Pricing Strategy

The modeling agency, as is customary in the industry, will retain a percentage of the hired model’s fee. In addition, there will be the possibility of buy-outs and, of course, exclusive contracts, which bring the agency a particularly high margin since high prices are paid here.

BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE REGION fee usually consists of a commission and an administrative commission. The agency’s commission in  BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE REGION is on average at XX%. If a model receives the fee as an advance payment, an agency commission of XX% will be charged, i.e. X%  is a surcharge for the pre-financing.

The prices vary depending on the order for the models. For example, title photos for magazines are paid less well than advertisements. The price for each model increases depending on the level of awareness. This means that the market and the demand here determine the price. Therefore, the entire pricing policy will be based on market behavior. However, it can be said that this will move in the upper price segment, since the customers are quality-conscious customers and the impression of exclusivity should also be reflected in the price.

Above all, the agency will stand out from the competition thanks to its outstanding and comprehensive service. Thus, although the prices are the same, the service is more comprehensive.


In the media landscape it is very important to have a strong presence in order to be taken seriously by partners and customers. Especially for the model business, this is of elementary importance. For the business success, the start-up company will have to come to terms with existing market participants. As a result, a marketing mix of internet and magazine advertising, social media marketing and attendance at industry events (fashion shows, press and other information and networking events in the industry) is very important for effective communication with customers and potential partners. Special attention will also be paid to the organization of cultural and media events. Two projects are planned so far. On the one hand there will be a BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE REGION Fashion Week. At this event, fashion lovers, scouts, trade visitors and media representatives meet at events around Brazilian fashion trends and lifestyle. The aim is to cooperate with various institutions, such as department stores, restaurants and cultural institutions.

Another project will be “XXXX Girls”. Here are made with football clubs contacts and these can choose a model, which represents the club. On the internet, football fans will have the opportunity to vote for the girls. Again, the founder promises media attention and a wide spread in social networks.

Both actions will generate a broad media interest, which should be considered a successful public relations tool.

For distributing on catwalks or other events as well as for sending and sharing in a personal conversation, print materials will complement the marketing of the BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE COMPANY. Also smaller freebies for customers as well as event program info booklets, which fulfill at the same time a marketing function, are distributed.

There will also be a public opening event to introduce the modeling agency on the market. Here are invited both local personalities as well as representatives from the media and fashion industry. Of course, at this time, some prominent models will already speak for the agency’s exclusivity and thus already act as a marketing tool.

In order for the agency to be able to position itself on the market and potential customers to take advantage of the offers and services, public relations becomes an important point of marketing. With good public relations, it is possible for customers to build trust in the company for the first time and also in the long term. The different target groups, i.e. potential customers or potential business partners, are addressed in a specific way. Above all, this will be achieved through the establishment and maintenance of a press mailing list, certain public relations events and publications in sector-specific media.

To be consistent with the company, the corporate identity plays a special role. Communicating a consistent look helps customers quickly memorize the business. All funds used for internal and external corporate communication are therefore given a uniform design.

Business Organization and Finances

About The Founder

As Managing Director, BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE FOUNDER, is responsible for the strategic direction of the agency. As a boss, she also thinks about the external presentation of her agency and thinks about which PR measures can advance the company. She also coordinates her staff, overhauls concepts for casting or shootings, and maintains contacts with models and clients. For this she has to represent the company at events. Therefore, in addition to technical competence, above all she needs social and personal skills. On the one hand, BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE FOUNDER can demonstrate her professional competences through her university studies, but also through practical experience.

In addition to her X years of business administration studies at the Catholic University of BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE REGION, she has also completed further education in cultural management at XXXX University, and throughout these two courses, she has gained important tools to help her develop and expand her career and will help grow the company as well.

During her studies in BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE REGION, she also worked as an office clerk. This experience will also help her manage the agency. In addition, she has already gained initial work experience in the modeling industry. She completed her training in XXXX in BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE REGION and organized her own fashion show, which was rewarded with great success.

In addition to these obvious professional experiences, BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE FOUNDER also has social and personal skills that will be important to business success. Her knowledge of Brazilian culture will make it easy for her to openly approach new customers and convince them of the reliability and exclusivity of the modeling agency.

Since she danced in a ballet school from childhood on, and later worked as a ballet teacher, she has a special eye for grace and beauty. This will help her recognize these traits in her models as well. Also in the creation of running choreographies her experience will be very useful. Culture and creativity are her strength. Coupled with her high motivation, soft skills and high social intelligence, she will lead the agency professionally.


The founder, BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE FOUNDER, will take over the management and be responsible for all operational processes. Her sister is building a contact network in New York. In order to protect the initial resources of the agency in the initial phase, interns should first be hired to support the managing director. They should help coordinate appointments, maintain contacts with agencies and also answer inquiries from customers. Another focus for the trainees should be social media. The founder’s husband will also provide advice on finances.

Legal Form

BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE COMPANY is registered as a sole proprietorship under the direction of BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE FOUNDER. Thus, BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE FOUNDER stands alone for the business with her name and also bears the full responsibility for its success or failure.

Especially the fact that no high initial investment in the form of minimum capital has to be raised is a point that speaks in favor of this type of company. Proper registration will take place after the financing has been confirmed. The tax classification as a trader is also another advantage offered by registrering as a sole proprietorship.

Capital Contribution

The Managing Director, BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE FOUNDER, is planning to make an equity contribution  of $XXXX (USD) . A target debt financing of $XXXX (USD) , as well as a promotion of the economic development of BASIC BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE LOCATION are aimed at supplementing the deposits and thus creating the material basis for a quick, uncomplicated launch of the market.


Necessary routine work in connection with taxes, electricity, internet and telephone bills as well as account statements are handed over monthly to a tax consultant. The tax consultant is also entrusted with the preparation of sales tax filing and annual financial statements.