Business Plan Financial Plan Sample Excel and PDF

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Business Plan Financial Plan Template – Finance Planning of the Business Plan

The financial part of the business plan is often more important to investors than the written part. You must create a financial plan for the next 3 years (with the first year broken down in months), in rare cases for the next 5 (with varying breakdown of months, usually it’s just the first year, but some investors want 72-month projections). We have a free templates that includes most aspects of modern business plan financial plans.



Click this image if you want to order our super financial plan template package for next to no money! ($14,99 US)

Interested in having a selection of full real-life financial plan templates in MS Excel (alongside instructions to use the BrainHive’s special GHOST technique for rapid calculation of different scenarios) for your project? Order our super useful template package directly from us for a mere $14,99 US!




We are happy to calculate a financial plan for your business plan set incl. investment review, liquidity planning sample and potential turnover, but this is not free, because it took us a lot of time and effort to develop. Our template calculates almost all parameters automatically; you only need to specify the prices and revenue. The best thing is that it calculates different scenarios very quickly.

The financial planning tutorial of an anonymous version of a real financial plan is free and readily available – just keep scrolling. If you are interested in the written part of a finished business plan example or business plan template, simply look at the relevant entries in our know-how base. Our extra tip for entrepreneurs who do not have any capital yet: Save! It is never wrong to have a much cushion funds as possible.

PS: We’ll save you a lot of work, time and stress during the financial plan development if you contract us to create your business plan. Our services are professional and more affordable than you perhaps think. Also see our article on the costs of creating a business plan.



Financial Plan Business Plan Template in Excel Including Liquidation Plan Sample

*All personal data and important business plan details are anonymous in line with personal data protection and confidentiality stipulations. You can zoom in by clicking here*



Each and every financial plan template needs detailed overview of the investments involved. These are assets that will be amortized over a period of usually 4 years. Even the depreciation is factored in! However, all investments reduce the liquidity.




The key overview is at the core of all financial plan templates. Some variable costs are indicated here, but the most important (and most controversial) are the revenue flows. These are best determined via a revenue source chart so there is at least a rough explanation on paper of where the revenues are actually expected to come from.



Various types of costs I


financial-plan_example-financial-plan-real-estate-holding-llc-1-page-004Various types of costs II and interest costs (complicated formula derived from liquidity plan and interest parameters in the overview)


financial-plan_example-financial-plan-real-estate-holding-llc-1-page-005Show me the money: Here’s the most interesting part. We recommend the following profit and loss profile: Fiscal year 1 – Big loss. Fiscal year 2 – Break Even. 3 – Big profit. This is the most plausible scenario. If it doesn’t seem this way, simply adjust the numbers a bit until you get the right profile.


financial-plan_example-financial-plan-real-estate-holding-llc-1-page-006The balance is calculated automatically via a series of simple +/- formulas.

financial-plan_example-financial-plan-real-estate-holding-llc-1-page-007Liquidity planning sample: Also extremely important. Investors panic if the liquidity drops to less than 10-15% of the capital investment. Losing money is the only real problem for an enterprise, be it young or old, big or small! Key figures and general premises are also listed in this section.

Financial plan excel template free sample 8 [OMITTED FROM THIS LIST]

Part 1 Revenue source: What are you selling and how much?

Financial plan excel template free sample 9 [OMITTED FROM THIS LIST]

Part 2 Revenue source: You insert the prices; the remainder is calculated automatically above sales figures.

Financial plan excel template free sample 10 [OMITTED FROM THIS LIST]

Remaining sources of revenue

Financial plan excel template free sample 11 [OMITTED FROM THIS LIST]

These graphs turn the numbers in the financial plan template into beautiful images, which can be embedded perfectly in the written part of the business plan.



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