Business Plan Cover Page Template

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When it comes to the business plan cover page, you’ll find opinion is divided. We at BrainHive use a combination of a minimalist cover sheet and an overview.

Others like to design the cover page in a special way for investors to see. The business plan front page features already predetermined corporate branding.

Here you can download our most popular business plan cover page and formatting template as a word document.

Business Plan Front Page Examples

If you have a graphic designer and the business plan will be submitted to investors or potential business partners, it may be worthwhile to design a professional business plan cover page. However, if you don’t, do not worry. It is better to focus on the actual content. If you are graphically talented, concentrate on the diagrams in the plan itself. If you have designed a logo, you can place it on (the right size!) the cover page. It won’t do any harm. *

This is what we do here at BrainHive in 9 out of 10 cases: Business Plan Cover Page + overview page



Easy: Corporate concept as the main title, company name as a sub-heading of the business plan cover page!


In our early days, we worked with a descriptive top sheet and without an overview page. Also ok, you can put the amount of capital on the cover page along with the founder’s name/s. We have created special business plan cover page designs in the past for very image-conscious clients. Let us know what you had in mind. WordArt, corporate design and effects are no problem. If you have the budget, you’ll get a great visual design from us.

In business planning, it’s better to go for content than for appearance alone (pitch deck and pitch video being the exceptions). At BrainHive, we are proud to have some of the lowest business plan writing service costs in the market for business plans of custom-tailored professional quality. Browse our knowledge collection and learn more about how we can be useful to your business success.

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