Thank you for your interest, we appreciate your trust and would be pleased to create your business plan for you.

Please fill in the cost calculator form below to receive your free business plan cost estimate within 24 hours.

The exact details on the costs and scope of our business plans and the procedure can be found HERE and HERE.

Your business plan is extremely urgent? Just write or call us directly. Our email is [email protected] and our telephone number is +49 (0) 6192 / 703-41 53 for European callers and +1 (844) 434 96 92  for all other callers.

The following diagrams will help you to answer the most frequently asked questions, which you typically have at this point, if you did not already find these on other parts of this website.


Business Plan Cost Short Overview

Business Plan Writing Service Cost-Business Plan Consultant Cost-2-SHORT

HERE you can find all the details about business plan costs, if needed.


What is the Process of Ordering a Business Plan from BrainHive?

Business Plan Consulting-Process-Business Plan Writing Service-EN-1

HERE, you’ll find all the details about running a BrainHive business plan creation, if needed.


Business Plan Cost Calculator Form


Fill in the form below to get a detailed cost estimate of your business plan. To make the process as convenient for you as possible, all fields apart from the email address are optional. Fully filled-out forms though make the cost estimate more exact. Thank you for your trust, we will typically get back to you within one hour during our regular office hours.



Spam protection

We are looking forward to your inquiry. You can submit your details to us by email or via the cost calculator form (see above). Our physical mailing address can be found in the imprint.

You can call us during business hours at +1 (844) 434 96 92 to our London office or +49 6192-703 41 53 to our Munich office.

If you want us to call you back, please write “Callback” in the comments field. If you do not specify a time, we will call you back at our earliest convenience. 

What Our Clients Have to Say

BrainHive: Defining Business Planning

Since 2018, BrainHive has been ranking on Google worldwide for many search engine requests concerning business plans.BrainHive reports, resources or releases have already been featured on the following news portals:

Contact us Today

Businessplan Berater- Businessplan Beratung-Mendle-2We would like to write for you. Contact us today. We deliver clean, fast work. You can stop searching: BrainHive is the right partner for you. Competent, affordable and flexible, we are your preferred pick throughout all industries and four continents. You can reach us via phone, mail or our contact form. If you want us to call you back, just give us your number and we will call you as soon as possible.

Joachim Jacob Görbert, Director

Reach us 24/7 via

US & International: +1 (844) 434 96 92

Europe & Germany: +49 (0) 6192-703 41 53

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Contact Form

Fast & easy: Have us directly calculate an offer for your business plan.

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BrainHive- Professional business plan writing since 2008. Hundreds of business plans successfully written, published in domestic and international media as a distinguished consulting company, a first-class team of experienced consultants. Whether large, small, traditional or innovative projects: We support you competently and friendly in the preparation of business plans of all kinds.


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BrainHive is known through our publications in:

Businessplan erstellen lassen-Businessplan Hilfe-technikerforum-1 Businessplan erstellen lassen-Businessplan Hilfe-sin-1 Businessplan erstellen lassen-Businessplan Hilfe-selbstständigkeit_eu-1 Businessplan erstellen lassen-Businessplan Hilfe-berufsinformation-1 Businessplan erstellen lassen-Businessplan Hilfe-bildungsdoc-1 Businessplan erstellen lassen-Businessplan Hilfe-ehuman-1

BrainHive Consulting is a registered vendor with Unidos, the intelligence and resource sourcing hub of the United Nations.

Unido Logo_BrainHive Businessplan Consulting-1

Frequently Asked Questions

You have a question about:

BrainHive-Businessplan schreiben lassen-Businessplan Hilfe-1 - Information required?

- Documents required?

- Cost?

- Duration?

- Process?

Here you will find answers for the most common questions concerning our business plan service.

Go to FAQ