Are you Looking for a Business or Investment Prospectus Writer?

If you need a professional business or investment prospectus writer there are many aspects which you should look at so you might choose the most professional prospectus writing service suitable for you in terms of affordability and specialized experience in a chosen field of concern. In this article, we will explore what are the steps of finding a professional business prospectus expert and what are the typical fees for prospectus writing.

In recent years the investment prospectus has become next to the business plan and the business feasibility study one of the most important pieces of pitch documentation. Due to wide similarities to business planning, it was a logical step for BrainHive Consulting to develop specialized knowledge in this business writing segment. Please do not hesitate therefore to approach us directly if you are in urgent need of your business prospectus and would rather sooner than later find a qualified business prospectus writer to produce the required quality for your specific project.


Hiring the Right Business Prospectus Writer Depends on the Kind of Prospectus you Need

Just like the feasibility analysis, the investment prospectus comes in many different shapes and sizes. An investment prospectus for a new crypto-currency, for example, follows a completely different structure than one for a new financial certificate or bond / share emission, a business prospectus that is written for a certain type of business angel in the fitness industry will not contain the same emphasis as one written for a rare earth metal exploration. Different requirements for different types of prospectus cause different necessities for your research of a qualified professional. Make sure that before you begin contacting anyone you have a specific set of guidelines and instructions which you can use to brief the business prospectus writer accordingly. Precise pre-briefing will assure you also get offer documents which are completely valid for the degree of comprehensiveness that the prospectus has to have in order to fulfill its purpose.

Here are some aspects to have in mind when considering whether or not you outsource the business prospectus writing to a professional expert:

  • How urgent is the business prospectus? If you have a submission deadline looming ahead and there is not much time for briefing and correction loops you will usually have to pay a premium if you even find a qualified prospectus writer who will be able to cram your project in between all the other projects that he or she is currently processing
  • How much do you know about the business prospectus reader? Do you think they would appreciate a more technical perspective or are they rather interested in the growth perspective or is it perhaps social or ecological impact that should be receiving focal attention within the investment prospectus content?
  • ► What is the required length and what are the typical formatting and visuals guidelines (bonus points if you’re able to provide a sample business prospectus for exact orientation)? This will influence the amount of time and effort and thus the budget which is required to come up with an appropriate business prospectus for your specific business case
  • ► Does a business plan or any other groundwork of planning documentation or pitching design exist that could serve to more easily write the business prospectus? Some writers are able to give better conditions if you already can make some draft material available which can actually be used as content for your investment prospectus
  • ► How strong is the marketing take versus a more conservative pitch strategy in your investment prospectus? To make sure that you create the biggest impact and will find the most support for your project, it is very important that you really know which tone you should choose. Always try and base statements in concise research findings to achieve the greatest conviction power with your business prospectus.


Some of these questions are directly related to the expenses and fees that the business prospectus writer will have to charge to complete your assignment. We should want to take a closer look at how much it costs to have your investment prospectus written for you.


Business Prospectus Writing Service Fees

A good price for a professional investment prospectus can end up anywhere between 1,500 to several thousand dollars depending on the length and research required for fulfilling the specific requirements which the prospectus has to pass. Business writing at the level of prospectus writing will fetch between 120-180 US-dollars per page, depending on whether you’re hiring a freelancer from your local pool of professionals or you are crowdsourcing worldwide via the known freelance writing platforms.

If you are looking to hire your local business consultant, CPA or auditor you will usually pay by the hour and that can be in some cases $200 and more. Now you can calculate that he could theoretically justify having possibly spent 2-3 days or more drafting up your business prospectus and so you should rather choose a dedicated professional writer who can give you a fixed price which usually will lie for a normal 7 to 12 page investment prospectus at about 1,300 to 3,000 US dollars depending also on how fancy would be the graphic design or any other additional extension of the basic prospectus content.

Since it’s harder to standardize business prospectus which unlike a normal business plan does not follow a widely similar methodology, it will be necessary to share more detailed information with your potential business prospectus writer if he or she is to come up with a reliable and accurate quote for your assignment. Get on the phone with us or share your details with us via email or our contact forms and we will get back to you within a short while.


Conclusion: Professional Business Prospectus Writers are a Real Asset

Even though the typical investment prospectus with its usual maximum length of maybe 20 pages is unlike for example a 40-50 page feasibility study not such a voluminous piece of pitching documentation, still many operation owners struggle with compiling a professional business or investment prospectus with their own capacities. Usually, an experienced professional prospectus writer will also be able to input additional business intelligence value and increase the chances of success for the initial submission of the business prospectus as well as lead to greater extended gains further down the road when the content of the business prospectus can be used for other pitching and planning purposes.

Contact us anytime if you want to know more about your options with BrainHive Consulting. Even though we are more known for our professional business plan writing service we also offer other types of pitching and planning consulting that you will find enabled us to provide a comprehensive spectrum of services in the field of professional business prospectus writing. If you have any additional questions to assure yourself of the high-quality guidelines we work by, never hesitate to write us an email and we will get back to you usually within the hour during our normal business operation times.


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