Brainhive: Your Friendly Business Plan Consulting Firm

Since 2007, we have been supporting startups on their way to entrepreneurship, especially related to business plan consulting. From when our website first went live, we created about 800 business plans, and dozens of websites and campaigns via our affiliate marketing agency, BrainHive Ethical Marketing.

Business_Plan_consulting_company-1_2BrainHive founder and owner Joachim Görbert has been the driving force in this success story. With his academic background in business administration and finance, he was already working as a financial journalist and business ghostwriter during his university years. Being a passionate and convinced entrepreneur, he enjoys consulting people that make their own road and aim to escape working the “Nine-to-Five” Treadmill  as an employee.



Who Are the BrainHive Business Plan Consultants?

Besides Joachim Görbert himself, there are several approved business plan consultants from the sectors business consulting, auditing, and tax consulting. We involve these on a regular basis to create drafts of the writing portion of business plans, whenever the current workload exceeds our lean in-house capacities. Most business plans however are still created 100% in-house, and we always review the work of our external partners using extremely strict quality guidelines. We consistently strive to deliver a draft which lenders, and other business plan recipients will accept without any problem.

Business_Plan_consulting_company-2_2Expertise and professionality come first when it comes to business plan writing at BrainHive. We are proud to stand amongst the most popular partners in the German startup and web entrepreneur sector, and will not compromise our reputation by any means – at BrainHive, you can rest assured to receive an excellent business plan in absolutely professional quality. Have a look at our business plan examples in our blog. There, you will also find a financial business plan template, in case you want to check our handle on business plan financials.



What Differentiates BrainHive Business Plans From Other Business Plan Writing Companies?

We know the other large professional business plan consulting firms quite well, and are also familiar with tools and templates for business plan creation available online. Thus, we know that we are offering our services at very competitive conditions. It is easy to generate or to buy a mediocre, superficial and/or incomplete business plan.

Business_Plan_consulting_company-3_2However, it is more difficult to really capture a concept and the founder personality behind it, creating a good business plan adapted with accuracy to the undertaking, and fully answering the questions of prospective lenders. A good business plan creates trust to the founder, and a good business plan consulting firm will complement and add to the startup concept, and will be able to reveal any risks, and opportunities the founder himself may not have considered.

We would love to discuss cooperation options with you. Contact us today for a free quote and 30 minute consulting session.